When listening to kuami Eugene song if you can pay closely attentive to his lyrics you will get to love his music more
And if you want to enjoy any music listen to the lyrics of the song. All I'm trying to say here is that music is music as long as your lyrics are meaningful
People enjoy song only when they are in a happy mood but understand the lyrics and appreciate the music more when they are in a sad mood
Kuami Eugene is a good singer and he's blessed with a golden voice
Below Here are Kuami Eugene's brain behind
Monica, oheema, Yolo, Angela, confusion, show body, Amen, Belinda and even his latest hit song "problem" e.t.c. so on and so forth, let me stop here!!..
If you're not listening to kuami Eugene songs or if you're not his fans then you be joke & you're missing alot
We love you king Kuami Eugene keep the microphone on Going we the Ghanaians our mother land loves you
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